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Visiting Us

To view the Nursery School please contact the office to arrange an appointment to be shown around. We strongly recommend that you do this if you are considering a place with us. You and your child will have the opportunity to meet the staff team and see for yourself the Nursery up and running.


We will look forward to welcoming you.





We offer visits to staff working in Early Years settings to look around and get inspiration and ideas. To book a visit please contact the school office. We do charge a small fee to cover the release time of senior staff.

1 hour visit- £10 per person- This is a full tour by the head or deputy and an opportunity to ask questions and see the setting in action.

Half day visit- £25 (approx. 3 hours)- A full tour with the head or deputy, an opportunity to observe staff, spend time outdoors with emphasis upon our Forest Schools work, looking at planning and documented learning as well as time to take photographs and ask questions. Includes refreshments.


We also offer bespoke training in your setting. Please contact Claire Hooker (Head Teacher) to discuss this further.
